New projects in the Netherlands:
Real estate :
Transfer a office building to apartments for young proffesionals
- High quality
- CO2 neutral
- All electrical
- Heating and ventilation including aircondition
- Engineering
- Building
- Hand over

New Projects Germany:
- Guard Telenot system with certificate for Insurrance
- engineering
- build- in
- service contract

Inspections for:
- Fire detection systems
- Smoke extraction system
- Electrical inspections VDE, DGUV
- Ventilation

VDE inspection of electrical equipment
Fire detection and smoke extraction
Real estate and investment of several Buildings for Storage and offices facilities.
- Technical management,
- Financial management,
- Pre engineering and integration
- Facility management
New Building in Duisburg and Essen ( DE) Koln and Mannheim ( DE)
During outfitting of the electrical installation responsible for:
- engineering.
- Electrical, fire detection, ventilation, heating, smoke extraction
- system integration
- Automation
- Access control
- camera system
- guard system
- Integration of all systems:
- ventilation
- elevators
- door systems
- management.
- price
- schedule
- permits
- authorities
- commission
- full integretion
- hand over:
- full package
IHC Dredging and Off- Shore
Project management for IHC EB engineering ( New castle)
Responsible for complet outfitting of 5 pipelay towers
Towers are build by IHC Sliedrecht and shipped to vessel build location Krimpen a/d IJssel. Final outfitting at Rotterdam Old RDM location
Royal van der Leun Sliedrecht.
Set-up a new company in Romania ( van der Leun SRL’).
- recruitment of employes
- set up administration, contracts, financial, taxes and Law
- responsible for projects
- responsible for aquisition
- responsible for opening activities
- responsible for building and materials supply
Delivery of several switchboards for Eletrical installation of
Schools in Holland Zadkine ROC.